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Dragon's Dogma 2 - Review

Nexus Gaming
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Adventure and Scale

⨠Dragon's Dogma 2 captures a great sense of adventure, making the player feel small in the larger world
⨠The game doesn't hold your hand, pushing you to explore the vast world outside city walls
⨠Preparation is key for venturing out, managing supplies and party makeup

Combat and Classes

⨠Combat is brutal but rewarding, with pitched battles against massive monsters
⨠Player can choose from various combat vocations/classes with distinct playstyles
⨠Pawn system returns, allowing customization of party members and swapping them out

Exploration and Discovery

⨠World is light on hand-holding map markers, encouraging investigation and role-playing
⨠This leads to satisfying eureka moments when uncovering clues, but can also cause tedium
⨠Performance can struggle in large-scale combat scenarios

Capturing the Original's Spirit

⨠Succeeds in recapturing what made the first game special while modernizing it
⨠Player freedom in gameplay approach is core emphasis
⨠Ending in particular delivers a memorable payoff after the long journey

1 comment

  1. Yes this game really nice
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