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EA Dismisses Dead Space 2 Remake Rumors Following Reports of Shelving

Nexus Gaming
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Rumor: Dead Space 2 Remake Was Canceled

   Report from Jeff Grubb

Jeff Grubb from Giant Bomb reported that EA's Motive Studio was working on a remake of Dead Space 2. However, they stopped working on it because the Dead Space remake from last year did not sell well enough.

EA Denies the Report
EA told IGN that Grubb's report is not true. They said, "We don't normally comment on rumors but there is no validity to this story."

More Details from Grubb
On the Game Mess Mornings show, Grubb said Motive was working on a Dead Space 2 remake but it was shelved due to poor sales of the first remake. He said it was in the early planning stages before being canceled.

Grubb stands by his report, saying he got the information from a reliable source even though EA denied it.

IGN Reporter Disagrees
Kat Bailey, the IGN news director, disagreed with Grubb's report based on her own sources. She said a Dead Space 2 remake was never actually considered.

No Clear Answer
In the end, we may never know if a Dead Space 2 remake was truly in development or not. EA says it is not happening, but Grubb insists his information is correct.

Previous Comments About a Sequel
The creative director of the Dead Space remake previously said they would "see how the game performs" before deciding on making a sequel or remake.

What Motive is Working On
Motive has confirmed they are supporting the Battlefield franchise and developing an Iron Man game with Marvel currently.

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