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Fallout 4 New-Gen Update Coming Soon 60 FPS To PS5, Xbox Series X/S Later This Month

Nexus Gaming
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 Fallout 4 New-Gen Update Coming Soon

What's New?

The new-gen update for Fallout 4 is arriving later this month on April 25th for PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X/S. This update will bring some exciting improvements to the game, including:

- 60 frames per second (FPS) gameplay

- Increased resolutions

- Stability improvements and bug fixes

- New Performance and Quality Mode settings

Free Content and Updates

Along with the new-gen update, players can look forward to some free additional content and updates:

- The "Enclave Remnants" quest and content pack, introducing a new storyline and items from the Enclave faction.

- The "Halloween Workshop" pack, adding spooky decorations for your settlements.

- For PC players, updates include widescreen and ultra-widescreen support, Creation Kit fixes, and more.


If you already own Fallout 4 on previous-gen consoles, you'll get a new native application for the game on PS5 and Xbox Series X/S. PC players will receive updates on Steam, Microsoft Store, and GOG, with the game also coming to the Epic Game Store soon. Steam Deck users will also get verified support.

Excitement Builds

With the Fallout TV series recently premiering on Amazon and this new-gen update enhancing the game experience, there's a renewed buzz around the Fallout franchise. Fans are eager to jump back into the Commonwealth and experience Fallout 4 with improved performance and visuals.

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