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Gear Up, Xbox Fans! Hot New Games Hitting the Console Soon

Nexus Gaming
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Releasing Soon (Within a month):

  • Hellblade 2: Senua's Saga (May 21st): Dive back into the mind of Senua in this highly anticipated sequel to the critically acclaimed Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice. Expect a dark and intense psychological journey.

  • MultiVersus (May 21st): Calling all fighting game fans! This free-to-play crossover title brings together characters from Warner Bros. franchises like Scooby-Doo, Game of Thrones, and DC Comics for wacky battles.

Coming Later in 2024:

  • Destiny 2: The Final Shape (June 4th): The epic saga of Destiny 2 concludes with this expansion. Gear up for a final showdown against the forces of darkness.

  • Black Myth: Wukong (August 20th): This visually stunning action RPG reimagines the classic Chinese legend of the Monkey King. Expect intense combat and a rich world to explore.

  • Star Wars Outlaws (August 30th): Buckle up for spacefaring adventures in this open-world action game set in the Star Wars universe.

These are just a few highlights, and there are many more exciting titles on the horizon for Xbox. For a more comprehensive list, you can check out resources like:

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