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3 Big Leaks From Rockstar Games, GTA 6 Trailer Leak Explained, GTA 5 On Switch & RDR Announcement

Nexus Gaming
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The last time, I reported on three significant leaks from Rockstar Games: the expected GTA 6 trailer, a possible launch of GTA 5 for the Nintendo Switch, and news related to Red Dead Redemption (RDR). This article looks at what was known about these leaks, how they were exposed, and what the impact will be on the gaming community. By and large, these weird occurrences are due to internal mishaps and the involvement of employees.

Key Insights

GTA 5 Nintendo Switch

In their newfound big announcement, GTA 5 may arrive soon on the Nintendo Switch, which has been around for nearly seven years. This is something that GTA 5 never got a release on this platform. Leaks have the game at 9.17 GB, reportedly free of high-resolution textures like the versions other consoles got several months ago. This raises questions about how well the game runs on the Switch's older hardware.

GTA 6 Trailer Leak

The GTA 6 trailer, it seems, was leaked under exciting circumstances. The entire trail was tracked back to an employee at Rockstar who accessed the trailer and made it a leak. The suspicion started after an unlisted video had gotten many views and even a dislike—a pretty peculiar activity that was hinting to have taken place from an internal source. Further authenticity was added when the details of the video were confirmed—length and unauthorized views.

Red Dead Redemption Announcement
Red Dead Redemption has gamers talking. Details are scarce, but there is some kind of announcement that gaming fans expect. Precise information on this announcement are under wraps, which heightens excitement and speculation around Rockstar's upcoming projects.

Leaks and Investigations

Of course, it is interesting in and of itself how these leaks are actually pinpointed and the further investigation done in their aftermath. A case in point is a particular old case where YouTuber KSI's giveaway codes were claimed too early because an unlisted video was accessed. Similarly, in the case of GTA 6, this leaked trailer had an unlisted trailer accessed and shared internally before it was revealed.

The investigation found that the criminal had access to the trailer and would watermark it for personal gain, possibly manipulating Bitcoin prices.


In returning to the enormity of such leaks, it's shocking how all these vital chunks of information just missed being adequately handled by the firm itself. Somehow, knowing exactly why and who was behind these massive leaks sighs relief concerning the big question of these spilled secrets. All this discussion goes on to point out the excitement and kind of anticipation that prevails in the gaming community regarding Rockstar's pending releases and what precisely this leak has meant for changing the industry's landscape.

This overview is a detailed breakdown of each segment to ensure that everything covered is understood fully.

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